Thursday, March 20, 2014

Sometimes being right is wrong

Well, if you know me I'm sure you know I enjoy being right. Not only do I enjoy being right, but sometimes I get great pleasure from saying "I told ya so..." in my brain. I don't enjoy hurting others by saying it out loud, but on most occasions it is said quietly inside. Last week I learned a valuable lesson. Within about a month, several people had re-entered my life in a way that they hadn't been present in a while. These were all good situations, in which reconnecting was positive and necessary for both my own life and hopefully theirs. In  separate occasions with these 3 separate people I found myself talking to them and digging deeper into life and all that had been missed in our time apart. Unfortunately, much of our reconnecting left me screaming inside, "I told you so!"  This, I told you so, came partly from a bit of pain that had once been caused and a feeling of some sort of justification by being right for the months or even years of time without each of them... and then driving down McDermott drive in Allen after school one day and replaying all of these situations in my mind (I'm not an over-thinker at all or anything. :)) I realized that I was happy about being right and in turn happy about the situations that surrounded all of these "right" events. THAT IS WRONG. All of these people had been hurt in some way through the situation that had caused me to be right. All of these people had gone through trials.. battles.. and had come out with what I am sure to be scars that they didn't deserve and shouldn't have had to go through and I am sure did not enjoy. So for that, I am most certainly not happy. I do not wish pain, suffering or anything other than pure JOY on any of them and so being right, was actually not right at all, but very wrong. If you are like me, the next time your mind or Satan leaves you telling yourself you were right--> take a look at the bigger picture. See all of the people that may be involved in you being right. Take a look at the pain or hurt that may have been involved in your being right..and re-think if it was was really worth it all to be right. I bet you might reconsider. :)

To all of you that are involved in my life... the next time you see that look on my face that says "I was right." Smack it off my face and tell me I'm wrong.

Thanks and Gig 'Em

Sunday, March 16, 2014

This and That

Well, this blog was originally created many years ago in college as a way to just share life..don't worry, I went back and closed all of those original posts, as reading back over them I got a lot of good laughs about the things I blogged about. So, if you're reading this, you may want to know what on earth I will be blogging about now. Before you even ask, No, I am in fact not pregnant and this is not my blog to journal all the details of pregnancy. In fact it's kind of the opposite. It's just life. The everyday ins and outs of a kindergarten teacher/wife/friend/labrador lover/wanna be mommy someday/ Jesus loving lady.

As you can tell by the title of my blog, the root of every post I make will still fall back on the truth I found many years ago when I created this blog. HIS PLANS ARE BIGGER THAN MINE. It's a funny thing to think back on why I chose this name and the verse that inspired me more that five years ago, because so very much has happened in my life since that time, yet now more than ever those words are true. This blog will not be all rainbows and butterflies. It may get real at times. It may get raw at times. It will most definitely be an expression of my heart and could possibly offend you. So, here is my disclaimer... If you are reading this, don't be offended. I didn't force this blog on anyone, or even send it out in a mass communication of any sort. You chose to receive it, or you chose to click on it and read it. If you know me, my heart is never to hurt anyone, so please don't be offended by it. That's all, just wanted to throw that out there. :)

Well, I'm working on my first real post, that will be up tomorrow.. check back and see how I learned this week that being Right, can sometimes feel wrong.

Thanks and Gig Em!